
what have i been doing during the holidays?
Watching DVDs that my bro rent. He like to rent non-mainstream movies aka critically acclaimed movies that you and i have never heard of.
So far, I have watched Eastern Promises, Gone Baby Gone, Into the Wild and Juno.
Of the 4, i liked Eastern Promises the most. It is about the Russian mafia living in London. Nice twist towards the end of the story. (4.5 out of 5 rating:)
Gone Baby Gone is the directoral debut of Ben Affleck and stars his brother Casey. Suprisingly good film. It is about two dectatives investigating a case of missing child. (3 stars)
Into the Wild is a very surreal film and based on a true story. At more then 2hrs long, it traces the journey of a man who abandons everything in life and embraces nature while hitchhiking around the country, in the end ending up in Alaska. (3.5 stars)
Lastly, Juno is the most well-known, funny, poignant and likable film among the four. It is about a girl getting pregnant, and instead of aborting it, she decide to give it up for adoption. (4 stars)